To ensure that Revit families interact with ceiling grids and automatically find the center point of a tile, you need to consider how the family is defined. For example, imagine an air terminal that automatically locates each ceiling tile as it is moved around.
To do this, create or edit a family to add reference planes, which will give a strong reference when moving the family around.
Reference planes are used because the air terminal in this example is 24 x 24 and it needs to be placed in the center of a 24 x 24 ceiling tile.
The reference planes placement is marked with red in the figure below.

By making sure that the added reference planes are used as strong references, the air terminal will now automatically highlight the ceiling grid lines when a reference plane comes near to it, making it very easy to place the air terminal and lock it to the ceiling grid line.

Where the reference planes are added will depend on the individual family and the required functionality.
Too bad it doesn't work for ceiling based components :(