I had the opportunity to work with Visa Lighting and taught them how they can create Revit Families for their entire product line. The challenge that we had was that they already had all of their fixtures drawn in SolidWorks. So we exported them out as ACIS Solids, and Imported them into Revit MEP and added connectors. We also worked on creating Revit Parameters for these families so that the electrical information will work with Revit MEP and it's electrical settings.
Visa Lighting offers a comprehensive BIM product library. The BIM files contain meta-data to assist in energy, sustainability, and photometric calculations. BIM also removes the barriers between design and collaboration; projects proceed smoothly as errors are reduced or eliminated, less waste of resources and time result in improved, superior projects of superior quality. Our dedication to the design community dictates we assume a leadership role in extending the graphic capabilities of this powerful tool.
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